Monday 21 May 2007

So, what do you think?

How does this work for you? We can use it to exchange information from the coaches, swap photos or whatever. Question is, is it useful?

Letchworth use exactly this and Rosie's Dad, Ralph, mentioned it. It works well for Letchworth (in fact they have won an award for it), so credit to them.

Let me know what you think, and if I have forgotten to invite someone to join, which I'm sure I have, let me know and I can add them in.

Steve (the boss)


cousin jack said...

Steve, excellent. Amazed you got it up and running so quickly. It's got to be a good thing, if the girls can be encouraged to use it on a regular basis, and on training, and match days in particular, then any changes to start/ko times, venue etc. can be put up at short notice and notifying everyone at the same time. All the best,

John Birch said...

Welcome Worcester the world of blogging!

We only use email now when we have to send documents round, or when things are really urgent - and even then we back stuff up with the blog. And I haven't sent anything round on paper for 18 months or more.

Encourage girls to use the RSS Newsfeed on any homepages they may have (iGoogle, Windows Live, MySpace, etc.) as the thing REALLY takes off so they do not even need to keep logging into check the site.

Ask if you want any help with anything (like turning off the bar at the top of the screen!) - we've been running for about 14 months now so we're around about sussed on most things.

Oh - and for a bit of fun add a meter to the blog - is good (and free), or Google Analytics - and see where your hits are coming from. We were getting around 400 a month at the start, mainly local, now its around 2,500 from around the world. Its also fascinating to see how many hits the site gets from educational URLs during the school day...

Finally to REALLY impress the neighbours find a mobile phone that send email... and send your match reports and scores from pitchside. Great when on tour are parents can keep up with what is happening as it happens.

John Birch said...

Oh - and pop by sometime to Currently the UK's most popular girls rugby blog.


Steve said...

John, thanks for that. I will investigate the RSS newsfeed and see how that works. I have been very impressed with your blog and ours is already working well. Feedback is good so far, so lets hope it keeps up!