Saturday 9 February 2008

Message from Tolley

Hi girls

After much delay we have finally sorted out tour! The cost will be £125, this does include the £25 deposit you should have already paid. We need to know definite numbers preferably by this weekend, but by Wednesday will be fine, this includes parents that may be coming with you as well please.
The final balance needs to be paid by no later than the 20th February.
Any checks to be made out to John Slinn, cash to Steve or your tour reps!!

Finally we need to put at least one team in for the quiz night at romsgrove rugby club on the 14th March
would be better if we could have a full team turn out as it is in aid of our tour after all.

Tour Reps

1 comment:

Tolley said...

Hi girls, just to let you know that the hostel is booked so if you want to take a look. . .