Thursday 7 May 2009

Sunday and Tour

Things seem to be all sorted for Sunday. 10.45 latest at Lichfield. Want to try and get changed and ready to go just after 11.00. It's a 12 o'clock kick off.

Can anyone who hasn't paid try to remember to bring hoody money please? Would be great if we could sort that one totally by Sunday! :D

On the subject of tour... after some hunting from Ghost, we've found a Travelodge near the 7s so as far as we know, staying overnight near the rugby club on the Saturday is a-ok! Therefore we just need to know whether everyone is up for it, as well as who can and can't come. It shouldn't be any more than £50, and that's the absolute maximum. We'd leave early on the Saturday, participate in (read: win) the 7s then head on over to the Travelodge for the night. Head back Sunday, around midday-ish maybe?

Anyways, let either me or Ghostie know asap if you're available. Remember, 7s squads are smaller than normal ones so I don't know what's gonna happen in regards to who's playing etc, but I guess if everyone brings their kit they may be able to help out some other teams if not in the squad? I dunno. Everyone is expected for tour, though. :)

Finally, Ghostie, Rhi and myself have been throwing around ideas for a tour theme. Rhiannon, who is insistent that she has a SWAG bag, wants to do cops and robbers. Backs would be cops, forwards would be robbers. Cops can be anything from your average bobby to detectives. As for me personally, I'm going as Special Agent in charge if we are up for this.

If anyone has any other suggestions for a theme, let us know. We know it's short notice for the theme, but everyone has to make some kind of small effort, or we'll have to think of a punishment...

See everyone Sunday!


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